August 10, 2010


Yes! I am making progress on my New York Beauty blocks! Eleven more to go and I can start piecing the actual quilt together! I don't think I have ever used as many pins as I have in putting these blocks together. Oh the joy of dropping pins on the floor as they slip out of my hands while manipulating the arcs. I will admit that I have a habit of putting pins in my mouth instead of back into the pin cushion. My Hubby always stops and looks if I am sitting at the sewing machine before he gives me a hello or goodbye kiss. Are there any other quilters out there with the same habit? I hope so! :)


  1. Your arcs/blocks are so scrappy and wonderful - I am going to LOVE this quilt!

  2. The best quilting "tool" I ever bought was from Harbor Freight, a hardware store in town and was less that ten dollars. It is a telescoping magnetic wand that resembles a pen or pencil and extends about 2 1/2 or 3 feet. I just sit in my sewing chair and sweep it back and forth across the floor and - viola - my pins are picked up and my back is still in one piece!

  3. Your NYB quilt is looking great. I did one a couple years back and have enjoyed it immensly.

  4. So beautiful. :) This week I hand pieced some apple core blocks and quickly determined that I don't like curves! blessings, marlene

  5. Gosh, so very pretty! I think these would be quite hard for me...I would be dropping more than pins!

  6. Love New York Beauty quilts...they always turn out so lovely and the colors are always amazing. Welcome back to blogging again.


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